Tuesday, November 27, 2007
As promised....
Saturday, November 24, 2007
An awesome concert
Friday, November 23, 2007
A Day of Detox
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Bring on the turkey!
I think I will try to switch out my closet tonight, as I have to pack some warmer clothing for central California. It is only going to be in the low 60s! That sounds cold, believe it or not!
Congratulations to Ryan and Julie on the presentation of their new daughter Sophia in Columbia! She is absolutely precious! Good luck with the rest of the process and return home safely (and soon!)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I made it to the finish line!!!
I had a very successful time at Gottshalk's and found two really cute tops that will go great with either jeans or dress pants. I was unable to find a pair of dress pants that I was looking for, but that's alright. Nick and I also went into Target yesterday, as he wanted to pick out a pair of new sunglasses. Thirty minutes later, we came out with a new pair and some new jewelry for me.
Last night, I was longing for a White Russian, but we didn't have any of the ingredients, so I went to Ralph's and purchased one of the pre-mixed bottles with the alcohol already in it. It wasn't too bad-but the original is definitely better. While I was there, I picked up Sierra Mist's cranberry splash, that is only available during the holidays. It is soooooooooo yummy.
Today we did some shopping at K-Mart in Mission Grove (another neighborhood near to us) while the car was getting an oil change. Neither one of us had been in a K-Mart for a long time, so it was fun to look around in there. This afternoon, we were able to slip away to Starbucks for a
I am really happy with my results of my cooking. I think the apple pie has turned out the best ever (at least appearance wise). Everything went smoothly and I didn't have to re-do anything, which is always great. Now, I am confidant in starting the week-especially since it is such a short one! We will be heading up to Fresno on Thursday morning, most likely, as I have to work until 7 on Wednesday. We will have a nice 4 day weekend up there, which is badly needed!
I'm hoping this week will be as nice as last. We had beautiful blue skies, clean air, and temps in the low to mid 80s. Let's hope that the 70s (at least) will hold on!!! This is the type of weather that is the pay-off for putting up for all of the other inconveniences that southern California has!
Thinking of everybody else back in the cold Midwest! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
A quick note....
- Go to Gottschalk's across town to pick up some make-up that I'm out of and look for a new outfit for the holiday. While I'm there, I will hit up Trader Joe's, because we only have one here in town and it is way over there. I have to get some pie crusts there because they have the best ones!
- Take the Malibu in for an oil change and check up. With us making a big trip, it has to be running well!
- Grocery shop for and bake a few Thanksgiving treats (pies, bread/rolls, and salads)
In addition to those things for the holiday, I also have a few other things on my list work related. I found out that I have to do a peds eval on Monday, which is horrible, because I am clueless! I can deal with an ordinary toe walker, but this is a full-out delayed milestone event! I am not sure how old the kiddo is, so I guess I will have to do a crash course in peds!
I would also like to swap some of my very warm weather clothes out for moderate temperature clothes in my dresser and closet. Even though we've had temps in the 70s and 80s this week, I think I am past tank tops and can take out a few more long sleeve things.
This with all of our normal weekend things-grocery shopping, Wal-Mart or Target run, charts and Nick would like to do some hiking-this sounds like a regular work week! Maybe the weekends should be 5 days and the work week should be 2! Plus-there is a Christmas sale at the Joann Fabric Superstore that I would like to check out and it ends today! Aarharh!
More later!!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A good start to the week
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A Calm Weekend
Saturday we got up to watch the Iowa vs. Minnesota game-civil war in our household. Since Minnesota's record has been less than stellar and they have the worst defense in college football, I wasn't too optimistic. The game turned out to be 21-16, in favor of the Hawks, which wasn't so bad. It is good for the Hawks, as they will probably go to a bowl game, which is always exciting.
After the game, we decided we would try going to the grocery store on Saturday afternoon (instead of Sunday morning), as last Sunday, it was really busy and there were hardly any cashiers. We went and, of course, it was busy, but when it came check-out time, we sailed out of there, as there were more cashiers working. So, it was a nice surprise. After being home for a while, I headed to Kohl's to find a possible new outfit, as I haven't bought anything new in at least 6 months, since I wear a uniform to work. I was severely disappointed, but I did find some nice towels on sale for a good price, which was worth the trip. We had a laid back dinner of leftovers and watched "Frida" with Selma Hayek, which was good, but not great. A very interesting story though.
Today has been extremely low key. I have been hanging around all day working on some work paperwork, watching TV, and working on my paint-by-numbers painting. No big activities planned for the rest of the day. One thing that we will do is watch the Youtube version of last week's episode of the Amazing Race, as we we just found out today that it was back on the air. I can't believe CBS doesn't have their episodes on their website-come on! Get with the times!
The upcoming week promises to be a busy one for me at work, but the end is in sight, as we only have a 3 day week next week. I can handle that!!!! We will be heading up to Fresno for Thanksgiving, but we're not sure when we're leaving, as I have to work until 7 pm Wednesday night. We're looking forward to seeing Nick's parents and getting out of Riverside for a weekend!
Happy Veteran's' Day everyone!