Monday, October 22, 2007

The winds continue....

Today we had our second day of the Santa Anas. We have even more wildfires around the area-some fairly close to us. One of my colleagues lives north of here toward the mountains (north of San Bernadino) and was alerted to a voluntary evacuation. She said that the mountain behind her house was engulfed in flames. Needless to say, she left early. I think they wanted to save as many valuables as they could (photos and such that cannot be replaced). A patient of mine has a sister down by the San Diego fires and she was evacuated and was sitting in a parking lot trying to figure out what to do. I guess the 1 1/2 hour drive up to Riverside to be with her sister was too difficult to ponder?
The air continued to be really crappy today. My allergies were really kicking up this morning after I came back from my workout at the gym. Nick and his crew drove an hour out to a site where they were going to be working, only to be called back to the office because the air was considered hazardous. One of my patient cancelled because of the wind-a pathetic being or a really bad excuse-not sure which. School sports practices were cancelled and, apparentely, some schools were closed.
We should be okay where we are at-we're not close to much brush or wilderness, but the conditions are more than dangerous. This morning it was 4% humidity and a negative dewpoint number (not sure how that works), so the conditions are prime for the tiniest spark to make something huge. We have one more day for sure of these winds and warm temperatures. Tomorrow it is forcasted to be 100, but we'll see if it makes it. At least it is cooling down at night, which is nice. Then again, we can't really have our windows open (due to both the air and the safety issues). I will keep you updated on the chaos as it progresses!

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