I don't think I told anybody that I was selected for jury duty this week. I did not have to report at all on Monday, but did have to report in Tuesday at 12:30. I was really lucky, because this allowed me to see my 19 patients from 8-12 at the clinic and only had to cancel 4 evals and 5 patients for the afternoon. So, I was happy with that.
The whole time I was at the courthouse, I was in the "holding room" waiting to find out if they would need our services. There were some people there who had been waiting since the morning, so I felt pretty lucky. We sat there until about 3 and then we had a break and I took a walk around the courthouse area, which actually is really nice here in Riverside. When we got back from break, they called roll, and told us they would not be needing our services and we were done for the year. WHOO-HOO! I was home before 4 pm, which is earlier than I would have been home from work!
All in all, a pretty boring experience, but happy that it's done for the year. Now, I can't wait until Nick gets his summons! I know a lot of my family has never received a summons, but here in Riverside, everyone gets one once a year. Guess that happens when there is a larger population and more crimes and civil disputes.

Wow. I've never had to report for jury duty. Lucky me! Hope I didn't jinx myself. Matt
I've been called for jury duty once. It was when I was in undergrad, so I got out of it. ~Des
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