Sunday, February 17, 2008

February Blossoms

As I write this post, it may not be as warm as it was last weekend, but I see several trees with white flower blossoms on them. It is so nice to see the blossoms in mid-February versus late April, which was the case back in the Midwest. It started out to be a really nice week, but we have experienced some high winds and cooler temperatures (in the mid 60s). It still has been sunny, which is always nice.
Tuesday, we were able to have a nice visit with my aunt and uncle from Minnesota. They are on a long road trip out west and decided to swing by and take us out to dinner. We had a nice visit and a very good meal.
Thursday, Valentine's Day, was a short day for me at work, as we ended at 3PM. Although I was mad about taking unnecessary vacation hours, it was nice to come home early. Nick brought flowers with him from work, which was a nice surprise. We had a meeting with our realtor to place an offer on another house, which we did. It is a short sale, which means that it is in the process of being foreclosed upon. We will not hear a definitive answer regarding our offer until at least the end of the month. Until then, we will continue looking at other possibilities.
We have had nothing planned for the weekend.
We had a nice lunch out yesterday and I made some cookies. I plan on doing some cleaning and bookwork later this afternoon. Nothing big is planned for the week ahead, but I am sure I will have some news to report next weekend.
Congratulations to Lisa who now is engaged to Brian and to Jason and Melissa, who will be having their first child this week.
Have a good week everyone!

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