Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bear with me one moment.....

Forgive my whining people in the Midwest, but I have to vent.....
It has been very warm here in SoCal-in the 80s with radiant sun. The section of the clinic I work in has the full rath of the afternoon sun. Yesterday and today we have had NO AIR CONDITIONING as we have people "working on it." Not only am I dying, but my poor patients are really trying to work in this heat. Seriously, today, I was feeling light headed because it was so hot. Magically, at 4 pm, a worker came in and said that the AC was working the whole time.....our administration has just not TURNED IT ON! This, after multiple complaints by patients about the heat. Sometimes I think I work for a bunch of monkeys!
Anyway, no word on the house yet, despite the fact we were supposed hear by Tuesday at 5. We have not heard affirmative, negative, or anything in between. Needless to say, we are certainly not holding our breath....
Enjoy the rest of your week....

1 comment:

Desi and Matt said...

We feel for you. Hot or cold-extreme temps really stink! We were hoping for good news on the house. Maybe you'll hear something soon.