This week has been a whirlwind of busy-ness at work (as well as business=)). I didn't count the number of patients I had this week, but it was a lot. There were only a few points where it was extremely crazy, so that is always a good thing. This next week is going to be busy, but I only have one person per line (every 15 minutes on the schedule) vs. 2 and 3 that I had this week. The boss says that this next week is going to be worse than this week, but I think she has given me the support to keep it fairly sane. I have no evals on the schedule for the next week, as we are just needing the wo-man power to treat patients.
The best part of this week was that I got to come home each night to watch the Democratic Convention. Now, those of you who know me well, know that I was loving every minute of it. It was a really fun convention to watch with a lot of enthusiasm. I always think back to Barack Obama's (or as Desi said back then-Brocko Bama-hehe-I still think that is so cute) convention speech in 2004, when I was in PT school, and being so impressed by him. He was unknown to most at the time, but I had actually read some about him before that time. It was at that moment that I told myself that I would vote for him if he ever ran for president. I just didn't think it would be 4 years later! So, much to my mother's dismay, I voted for him and not Hilary in the primary and will do so in the fall. Of course, we loved his speech but a lot of the other addresses were great too. Almost equally exciting as the actual speeches was the analysis on my favorite channel, MSNBC =).
This weekend (tomorrow, Saturday) we are heading up north to Mammoth Country. We will be visiting several mountain sights, waterfalls, lakes and a ghost town. We are meeting Nick's parents there and we should have a good time. We may post some photos from the road!
Have a good and safe Labor Day weekend!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
What have we been up to?
That has consumed our weekends for the past two weekends and we still are not done! We would have been a little further along last weekend, but we got a "truckie call" just as we were about to lay the backer board last Saturday. Josh and Erin had bought a new mattress at Costco and wanted us to pick it up and bring it to their place with the truck. We were happy to do it, as they have always helped us moving and with the house. So-we didn't get the board down until Sunday, and of course it has to dry!
We had the best intentions to start laying the tile one day after work, but that didn't happen...
So-yesterday (Saturday) we put down the whole pieces and took the others to Lowe's to have them cut. Today, after everything was dried, we put the rest of it down. It does look nice and not too shabby for our first job (we think). Now we have to determine when to start the grouting! This is ending up to be a month long project!
So-Things I have learned about tiling:
1) You will break or waste tiles. This is why they tell you to add 10%.
2) Tile cutters suck. Don't buy one. Don't use one.
3) The cuts from the wet saw will not always be perfect. This is, oh, so frustrating.
4) Speaking of wet saws, maybe buy one off of Craig's List instead of going to Lowe's for 25 cents a cut. We are looking into this...
5) Two people will not fit in a 30 square foot bathroom no matter how hard you try.
6) Do not ask your husband to explain something to you while you trying to help with the project. Simply be Ms. Vanna White and hand him things he needs. Ahhh, maybe next time.
We are anticipating a busy week ahead at work. I am scheulded 5-6 people deep an hour again, but the boss has cut my evals down from about 19 to 5! That will be nice for the Labor Day weekend. If I can just make it to Friday at 4!!! For the big weekend, we are heading up to Bishop, CA (in the middle of nowhere) to take in some of the sights of the area. It should be really fun-it is east of Yosemite and west of Death Valley. We will be visiting a lot of mountain scenery and a ghost town. Oh yeah-did I mention we're meeting Nick's parents? We should have a good time, but it will be a lot of driving! As I remind Nick, let's do it while we can!
Have a good week everybody and enjoy the photos!

That has consumed our weekends for the past two weekends and we still are not done! We would have been a little further along last weekend, but we got a "truckie call" just as we were about to lay the backer board last Saturday. Josh and Erin had bought a new mattress at Costco and wanted us to pick it up and bring it to their place with the truck. We were happy to do it, as they have always helped us moving and with the house. So-we didn't get the board down until Sunday, and of course it has to dry!
We had the best intentions to start laying the tile one day after work, but that didn't happen...
So-yesterday (Saturday) we put down the whole pieces and took the others to Lowe's to have them cut. Today, after everything was dried, we put the rest of it down. It does look nice and not too shabby for our first job (we think). Now we have to determine when to start the grouting! This is ending up to be a month long project!
So-Things I have learned about tiling:
1) You will break or waste tiles. This is why they tell you to add 10%.
2) Tile cutters suck. Don't buy one. Don't use one.
3) The cuts from the wet saw will not always be perfect. This is, oh, so frustrating.
4) Speaking of wet saws, maybe buy one off of Craig's List instead of going to Lowe's for 25 cents a cut. We are looking into this...
5) Two people will not fit in a 30 square foot bathroom no matter how hard you try.
6) Do not ask your husband to explain something to you while you trying to help with the project. Simply be Ms. Vanna White and hand him things he needs. Ahhh, maybe next time.
We are anticipating a busy week ahead at work. I am scheulded 5-6 people deep an hour again, but the boss has cut my evals down from about 19 to 5! That will be nice for the Labor Day weekend. If I can just make it to Friday at 4!!! For the big weekend, we are heading up to Bishop, CA (in the middle of nowhere) to take in some of the sights of the area. It should be really fun-it is east of Yosemite and west of Death Valley. We will be visiting a lot of mountain scenery and a ghost town. Oh yeah-did I mention we're meeting Nick's parents? We should have a good time, but it will be a lot of driving! As I remind Nick, let's do it while we can!
Have a good week everybody and enjoy the photos!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Checking In
I thought I would write a quick post tonight. I don't have much to report or say!
This past weekend we had our eye exams. I needed one correction in my R eye contact and Nick needs a new prescription altogether for his glasses. He didn't find any frames he liked, so he may do some shopping around!
Sunday we purchased most everything we need for our upstairs bathroom tiling project. We found some nice white/blue tile that will look really nice in our extra bathroom upstairs. I guess the plan is to do that this coming weekend (if it's not too hot!)
Other than that, we've been watching the Olympics, best we can, like everyone else. The coverage goes until so late, that I usually can't stay up to see the things I want! Last night when I went to bed at 10:30, I had barely seen any gymnastics! I just catch what I can!
Work continues to go well. Everyone is carrying their weight, which is good. Starting next week and all through September, we will have someone on vacation all the time, so it's going to be a long month and a half. I am enjoying working on my lymphadema patients and I am going to be attending a continuing ed class in Oakland on vertigo in September.
We haven't had any bad heat, but still the summer is a long season. We have another a month and a half! It's hard to believe that everyone is heading back to school soon! That's all for now!
This past weekend we had our eye exams. I needed one correction in my R eye contact and Nick needs a new prescription altogether for his glasses. He didn't find any frames he liked, so he may do some shopping around!
Sunday we purchased most everything we need for our upstairs bathroom tiling project. We found some nice white/blue tile that will look really nice in our extra bathroom upstairs. I guess the plan is to do that this coming weekend (if it's not too hot!)
Other than that, we've been watching the Olympics, best we can, like everyone else. The coverage goes until so late, that I usually can't stay up to see the things I want! Last night when I went to bed at 10:30, I had barely seen any gymnastics! I just catch what I can!
Work continues to go well. Everyone is carrying their weight, which is good. Starting next week and all through September, we will have someone on vacation all the time, so it's going to be a long month and a half. I am enjoying working on my lymphadema patients and I am going to be attending a continuing ed class in Oakland on vertigo in September.
We haven't had any bad heat, but still the summer is a long season. We have another a month and a half! It's hard to believe that everyone is heading back to school soon! That's all for now!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Birthday and the beach!
A lot has happened this week, but what can I expect when it's my birthday! Friday, all the therapists (and some others) all went out to lunch at Portillo's, which is a Chicago based restaurant (famous for hot dogs and such)that just happens to have its only CA location about a mile away from us. I absolutely LOVE their food! Since it was my birthday, I decided to totally pig out and have a bacon cheese burger, fries, onion rings, a Coke, AND a chocolate shake! I also had agreed to work late on Friday (I'm such a sucker), but in exchange I got a free massage! I was planning on getting one anyway, but my boss said she'd give it to me for free if I stayed late. Even though it was a bummer to stay late, it was an easy end to the week.
When I got home Josh and Erin had come over and we all went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory (yes, I was still stuffed from lunch-but oh well!) We had an excellent time and food, except I was so full, I really thought I was going to burst any second! But hey-it's my birthday!
Saturday, Nick and I took the Metrolink train out to the beach. It was fun to take the train, but not so fun to be with all the other IE people going to the beach. We took the train to San Clemente, in northern San Diego County, and the train literally drops you off on the sand. The beach was packed, as one can imagine. We walked on the pier a bit and around the shops (not a whole lot) and grabbed a quick lunch, which was surprisingly reasonable. Even though it was still quite overcast, we joined the masses on the sand and relaxed. I didn't get in the water, but it did feel good on my feet! We didn't stay real long, as that is not Nick's idea of a good time, but it was nice and relaxing. As soon as we knew it, we were back on the train to Riverside. It really was fun to use the train and avoid the crappy traffic and parking. It's hard to say if it is really cheaper, but it certainly is more convenient. Oh-and of course I got sunburned/tanned, even though it was super cloudy. I had put sunscreen on, but not enough apparently!
Today has been a clean-up day around the house. We're still putting some things away from the move. Last weekend, while I was away, Nick put down baseboards in the master bedroom, which look really nice now. He just needs to touch them up. We are slowly chipping away at our projects, but I think that the next one will definitely be tiling the bathrooms upstairs. I can't wait to get rid of that awful carpet in the bathrooms!
This morning I also tried out my birthday present from Nick-a new waffle iron (the flipping kind from college days). I have been wanting one for some time, but finally got one this birthday. It's nice to be able to have waffles, as we had nothing before!
We have nothing out of the ordinary on board for this week either at work or home. We are hoping that August does not get real hot like last year and continues to stay in the 90s each day. We have really been lucky with the heat this summer. We really can't afford to go to the beach EVERY weekend! ;) Enjoy the photos!
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