I thought I would post some photos of 3 baby quilts I have made this winter. One for Sophia Sonnek and another for Tyler Etten. The last one is for Sarah and Mike's baby in Alaska, which is due in April. Sorry Sarah if you see this-but this is your present come April! The purple one is for Sophie, the blue is for Tyler and the green for Sarah and Mike's baby.
I haven't gotten around the finishing the green one yet, so that is still a work in progress. They have been really fun to make. The purple and the blue were from some quilt kits Barb (Nick's mom) gave me, but the green one I did all myself (proud yet?)
Last Sunday, we submitted an offer on a fourth house, but since it is a short sale, have not heard anything about the status of that offer. Since it is a short sale, it is not the owners who decide to accept the offer, it is the lender. In this case, I know there is a substantial amount between what the house will sell for and for what the owners owe on the mortgage. We will update you with any new developments!
It's a short week for me at the clinic. The administration has decided to close the clinic, which is fine. I will do some appointments and have a nice day of sleeping in. I was able to make up the hours a few weeks ago when we were super busy. Not that I haven't been busy this past week. I had a crazy amount of treatments! One day I think I counted 28! This week will return to a normal amount with my regularly scheduled 4-5 evals and about 20 treatments. Still a crazy day, but definitely manageable!
Happy Spring everybody!
I'm not sure where this came from, but the deleted comment was like a spam email-"click here." I figured it was not good, so I deleted it. Anybody else have this happen?
That has never happened to our blog, but I did find another blog with a comment like that. I clicked on it, and the McAfee virus protection program went nuts! No good. I hope you get some good news on a house soon. Enjoy the last few weeks of spring. -Matt
Twenty treatments is manageable? I have four evals tomorrow, and I am flipping out! I can't even imagine!
Yeah...our clinic is crazy. We have an HMO contract we two local networks and get paid a lump sum instead of per patient, so they make us see as many people as we can see. When I first started, we had 2 more therapists seeing these patients, but they have laid them off and so three of us are doing the job of 5-6 therapists. It is completely normal to have 4-5 evals a day and do 15-20 treatments. I am very tired at the end of the day ;).
We got the blanket in the mail yesterday and it is perfect! I am very impressed with your artistic abilities...and it looks like you have been very busy with all the babies! Again, I love it! Thank you so much! :)
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