We've had unbelievable weather this past week, making me feel hot at times. Sierra has especially enjoyed being outside when I see her at lunch and after work as the light of day dwindles. It's pretty hard to enjoy the weather completely when you think about how large of a drought we are in and that this is technically our rainy season (supposedly going through March). As much as I enjoy the warm weather and sun, I would be happier overall if we would have at least two days of rain in the week.
Despite the drought, we still have quite a bit of green from the moisture we got before the new year. The wilderness park is quite green as well as the mountain outside our window. It is a nice change from the brown we see most of the year.
This past weekend was uneventful as I have been reading several articles in preparation for a class I'm going to in Salt Lake City. I am going to a continuing education class in pelvic physical therapy/incontinence management with another therapist from our clinic. It is the first in a series of three, which I tentatively plan to complete to get my certificate in pelvic physical therapy. Our boss wants to beef up our women's health program and get some concrete education behind a few of us. It should be an interesting class, but I'm not looking forward to the COLD temperatures! Think of me freezing in SLC next weekend! =)
I get to go to an all weekend con-ed this coming weekend as well. Since we no longer have any OT's, we are having someone come in to do a hand/wrist/splinting course. Seeing as though I haven't dealt with the hand/wrist since PT school, a lot has slipped the mind!
We're supposed to hit 40 this week then plummet back to temps below 10. Bleh!
Splinting looks like it can be a hassle based upon what I've seen from the hand therapist at our clinic. I am pretty comfortable with wrists, but I don't usually do any fingers. The hand is just too complex and I don't have the patience for it! Anyway, that will be fun! It will be a good weekend to be inside!
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