Sunday, April 20, 2008

Same old...

I feel like I am a broken record here! We really don't have anything new out here. We had a beautiful week of weather and then the weekend rolls around and it's freezing! Keep in mind-freezing to me is now anything lower than 75! No pool and tanning for me!
We have been cleaning like mad here, as we haven't given this place a deep clean since Christmas! I just have the kitchen to finish, which I will do after supper! Everything does look very nice though.
Nothing new on the house, but it sounds like another offer is going to be accepted. So, we will keep our fingers crossed, but it doesn't sound like a go. We will probably take a break from active hunting and maybe pick up at the end of the summer/fall, if that is still what we want.
Just wondering if I should plan some sort of get together for when I am back in MN for the long weekend. I know the Iowa people are far, but maybe we could meet in the middle and for everyone else, maybe we could do a BBQ at a park or something. That is, of course, if people are interested!!! Please let me know!
That's it for this week! Hope everyone is well!

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