This weekend has been mainly about getting the house back together after the parents' visit. Yesterday, on Valentine's day, we went out for lunch at Quizno's, ran errands, and had supper at Chipotle with an evening movie, "Taken." We also took the dog and walked up Mt. Rubbidoux, which was a beautiful light hike on a beautiful winter day. I even managed to squeeze in a trip to Kohl's. Nick gave me a new ipod shuffle since my old one went through the laundry. It will be nice to have something to listen to at the gym again.
Today we did the usual grocery shopping and also a trip to Home Depot for this and that. I was looking for some tile, but didn't find anything I liked. I have three options from Lowe's that I will choose from. We hope to start tiling the first floor within a couple weeks or a month. It shouldn't be a bad job, because it is mostly one big area, but since it is the area we spend the most time, it will be somewhat inconvenient.
I am posting some photos from San Diego from my parents' visit. We saw a world class (World Cup) racing "boat" (for lack of a better term) out for "practice" and had a beautiful visit to my favorite southern California beach in La Jolla (yes, I am standing in the water-it was that nice and the water wasn't cold, just nice). Have a good week everyone!